Nash Garo AM 600 Liquid Ring Compressor 885 ACFM 65 PSI SS New

Nash Garo AM 600 Liquid Ring Compressor 885 ACFM 65 PSI SS New
Gardner Denver Nash Garo AM 600 Liquid Ring Compressor
885 ACFM
65 PSI
RPM: 1800
Weight 1879 lbs
Serial Number: 6246
Recontact Gas
Stainless Steel
Liquid Ring Compressor
Medium & High Pressure, Garo
Garo Liquid Ring Compressors
100 - 1800 CFM / 170 to 3,050 m³/h
The GARO line of liquid ring compressors expands the capacity and pressure ranges of the Nash product line to meet the ever growing requirements of our customers in oil & gas, chemical and refining applications.
Found primarily in petroleum refineries and chemical plants, rugged and reliable GARO compressors handle highly toxic, explosive and corrosive gases in applications such as flare-gas, chlorine and Vinyl Chlorine Monomer (VCM) recovery.
GARO Compressors are available in single and two-stage designs, and in cast iron, stainless steel, carbon steel, spheroidal cast iron, 316 stainless steel, duplex stainless steel, and Hastelloy or Titanium on select models.
Together with other NASH liquid ring compressors, including the HP-9, the 14 GARO models form the NASH core compressor product line, which provides compression greater than 200 psig (15 Bar abs). Low pressure compressors are available to 30 psig (3 Bar abs), and 20,000 CFM (34,000 m³/hr). As a result, NASH offers the widest pressure and capacity ranges of liquid ring compressors available worldwide.
Manufacturer | Nash Garo |
Model | AM 600 F |
Year | 2010 |
Condition | New |